SIAM Student Chapters

Student Chapters are formed under the aegis of SIAM with the aim to promote collaborative mathematics on University Campuses by activities that offer researchers and students the stimulation and opportunities which arise from being part of the SIAM national and international communities.

See what they've been up to!

Here's a summary of some of the activities the Chapters have organized.

Current Chapters

In the UK and Republic of Ireland, there are currently 16 Student Chapters, who organise their own local events, and there is also a SIAM National Student Chapter Conference (SNSCC) organised every year.

University of Bath (England)
University of Cambridge (England)
Cardiff University (Wales) (University website) External website
Dublin area (Ireland)
Heriot-Watt/Edinburgh Universities (Scotland)
Imperial College London (England)
National University of Ireland Galway (Ireland)
University of Limerick (Ireland)
University of Liverpool (England)
University of Manchester (England)
University of Nottingham (England)
University of Oxford (England)
University of Reading (England)
University of Sheffield (England)
University of Southampton (England)
University of Strathclyde (Scotland)
University of Warwick (England)

SIAM National Student Chapter Conferences

2024 Cardiff
2023 Oxford
2022 Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt
2021 Oxford
2020 Oxford - Postponed due to COVID-19.
2019 Manchester
2018 Bath
2017 Galway
2016 Cardiff
2015 Reading
2014 Oxford
2013 Warwick
2012 Manchester