Andrew Lister works in the numerical analysis group at STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory as a research software engineer. Alongside his role within the group, he started studying part-time towards a PhD in 2023. He is studying the use of mixed precision methods for interior point optimisation with Jennifer Scott at the University of Reading.

In addition to his studies in mixed precision computing, Andrew is interested in software best practices and sparse linear systems.

  • Software engineering
  • Mixed precision computing
  • Sparse linear systems
  • Julia
  • Fortran
  • Python
  • Rust

ORCID id: 0000-0003-0861-4034


  1. Markvardsen, A., Rees, T., Wathen, M., Lister, A., Odagiu, P., Anuchitanukul, A., Farmer, T., Lim, A., Montesino, F., Snow, T., McCluskey, A. ``FitBenchmarking: an open source Python package comparing data fitting software''. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(62), 3127 (2021)6(62) (2021) 3127, DOI: 10.21105/joss.03127. (PDF)

Co Author

  • FitBenchmarking - An open source tool for comparing the performance of fitting routines on a variety of problems on your available hardware.


  • HSL - A collection of mathematical software packages.