Speakers were


Iain Duff (RAL)
Title: The symbiosis of direct and iterative methods for solving large sparse systems
Ivan Graham (Bath)
Title: Finite elements on degenerate meshes: inverse type inequalities and applications
Bill Mclean (U. New South Wales, visiting Bath)
Title: Quadrature for boundary element methods
John Reid (RAL)
Title: Cholesky factorization of a dense matrix with high performance in packed storage
David Silvester (Manchester)
Title: Error estimation and adaptivity for elliptic PDEs
Andrew Stuart (Warwick)
Title: Fitting stochastic models to partially observed dynamics 

In addition, graduate students from Bath, Oxford and Reading presented posters describing their current research. The meeting started with coffee at 10:30 AM, and finished by 5 PM.

10.15 am PhD student poster session (continues all day)
10.30 am Coffee
10.50 am Iain Duff (RAL)
"The symbiosis of direct and iterative methods for solving large sparse systems"
11.30 am Bill Mclean (U. New South Wales, visiting Bath)
"Quadrature for boundary element methods"
12.10 pm David Silvester (Manchester)
"Error estimation and adaptivity for elliptic PDEs"
12.55 pm Lunch
2.20 pm Ivan Graham (Bath)
"Finite elements on degenerate meshes: inverse type inequalities and applications"
3.00 pm John Reid (RAL)
"Cholesky factorization of a dense matrix with high performance in packed storage"
3.40 pm Tea
4.00 pm Andrew Stuart (Warwick)
"Fitting stochastic models to partially observed dynamics"

5.00 pm Poster session concludes6.00 pm Meet for informal pub meal near RAL


There is no attendance fee, but we would be grateful if attendees could let Kath Vann (tel: 01235 445790, email: K.M.Vann@rl.ac.uk) in advance so that we can arrange sufficient tea and coffee.

Grad. student poster presentations at the Bath - RAL Numerical Analysis Day

David Bailey (U. Reading)
A Lagrange-Remap method for the Euler equations for multi-material flows
Sue Dollar (Oxford U.)
Andrew Hill (U. Bath)
Paul Jelfs (U. Reading)
The Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for the morphodynamical equations
Simone Mandica (U. Bath)
Laura Stanton (U. Reading)
Ben Wells (U. Reading)
A moving finite element method for partial differential equations

Photographs from the Bath - RAL Numerical Analysis Day, 2003


Nick Gould welcomes the masses, all 38 of them


Iain Duff mixes direct methods ...


... with iterative ones


Bill McLean on boundary elements ...


... and quadrature


A full house ...


... and they appear awake at the back


David Silvester's world-record attempt to cover CFD in under 40 minutes


Lunch in the RAL canteen








Negative root H spaces hold no fear for Ivan Graham


John Reid squeezing every last flop out of Cholesky


Andrew Stuart's hard stochastic model of partially observed dynamics ...


... the simplified ones ...


... and the power of Matlab


And the day ends happily at the Fox in Steventon

Photographs courtesy of Iain Duff and Mario Arioli